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$35 M

Knutson v. Sirius XM Radio Inc.
Cell Phone Privacy

$32 M

Rose v. Bank of America
Corporation et al.

$24.1 M

Arthur v. SLM Corporation.

$10.5 M

Wrongful Death

Protecting Consumer Rights and Pursuing Justice Throughout the US

From safeguarding your financial interests to ensuring product safety, consumer protection laws protect you from fraudulent schemes, false advertising, and unfair trade practices. n a sometimes deceptive and unscrupulous marketplace, having a skilled nationwide consumer protection lawyer on your side can make all the difference when fighting for your rights and compensating you for your losses. People often think that they do not have the power to take on Fortune 500 companies. We are here to tell you this is not the case.

People turn to Kazerouni Law Group when corporations wrong them, and they need a consumer protection advocate. We never back away from a fight. We never give up on our clients and never lose sight of the people we serve. Our dedicated team of consumer protection attorneys has represented thousands of people nationwide. We have successfully fought against consumer fraud and won cases against powerful corporations. Contact us today for your free case evaluation to see how we can help you.

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What Are Consumer Protection Laws?

Consumer protection laws and rights safeguard individuals from deceptive and fraudulent practices and the perils of unsafe products in the marketplace. These laws foster fair business transactions, safeguard consumers’ financial interests, set safety standards for products, and establish accessible avenues for seeking a remedy in the event of harm or exploitation.

Consumer Protection Laws Act as a Shield

In a landscape where unscrupulous practices, scammers, bait-and-switch advertisers, and fake products persist, consumer protection laws shield people from harm and financial losses. U.S. consumer protection laws also hold businesses accountable for their actions. They establish standards of conduct that businesses must adhere to, prohibiting deceptive and unfair trade practices, including employee wage and income violations. These laws not only act as safety measures, they contribute to the overall integrity and trustworthiness of the marketplace.

Implied Warranty of Merchantability – The Basic Product Promise

A manufacturer, distributor, or retailer that sells a product makes an implied promise that the product is of reasonably good quality, fit for its intended purpose, and free from defects. If the product fails to meet these standards, the consumer has the right to return it for a refund, repair, or replacement. If the product injures them, they may sue to recover compensation for their damages, generally with the help of a consumer lawyer.

Transparency and Disclosure

Consumer protection laws also promote transparency and disclosure, compelling businesses to provide accurate information about their products and services.
This fosters an environment where consumers can make informed choices, protecting them from false advertising claims and deceptive marketing practices.

Other Types of Protections for Consumers

Consumer protection laws also address fair debt collection, identity theft, lemon laws and auto loans, data breaches, privacy laws, and student loans, among others. Consumer protection laws and rights form crucial pillars of a fair and equitable marketplace and our economic security. They level the playing field, empower individuals to assert their rights, and ensure that businesses operate with integrity and accountability.

What Is the Role of a Consumer Protection Lawyer?

By upholding these laws and advocating for their enforcement, consumer protection attorneys safeguard the well-being and interests of U.S. consumers. Given the inherent imbalance in bargaining power between consumers and businesses, consumer protection attorneys serve as an equalizer, empowering individuals to assert their rights and pursue legal recourse when corporations compromise their well-being. Whether you have fallen victim to a deceptive business practice, experienced harm from a defective product, or need guidance on a consumer-related issue, our experienced consumer protection attorneys are here to help you.


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Why Select Kazerouni Law Group for your Consumer Protection Case?

A compelling purpose drives our dedication to consumer protection. The results we achieve make it all the more rewarding. Every day, corporations across America infringe on the rights of consumers on a national scale, often with little consequence. We stand up against this trend, ensuring that the voices of consumers are heard and upholding their rights.


Creative & Aggressive Solutions

At Kazerouni Law Group, APC, we take pride in giving our clients the best service possible. You will work with your lawyer, not a paralegal or an inexperienced associate, throughout your case. With more than 50 combined years of experience and a track record of success, we know how to find solutions against debt collectors, unscrupulous telemarketers, and anyone else violating your rights as a consumer. Through the protection of federal collections legislation, smart negotiations, and aggressive litigation, we will find a way to protect your rights.

With offices throughout California, our law firm has the skills, knowledge, and resources to handle your consumer issue. Our goal is to find the best outcome possible, whether that is achieved through negotiation or litigation.


What Are Some Examples of Consumer Protection Violations?

Recognizing when someone violated your consumer rights and when to seek the guidance of a nationwide consumer protection lawyer can give you the courage to take a stand. Recognizing when someone violated your consumer rights and when to seek the guidance of a nationwide consumer protection lawyer can give you the courage to take a stand.

The following are some common issues consumers face which may prompt the need for legal assistance:

Investment Scams

Investment scams, multi-level marketing pyramids, and Ponzi schemes deceive individuals into investing in nonexistent or misrepresented opportunities.

Typically, victims cannot get their money back, or their investments do not yield the promised returns.

Deceptive Advertising

Misleading claims, false advertising, hidden fees, or inaccurate product descriptions can deceive consumers into buying counterfeit products or paying more for items. A common example of pricing deception is paying more than the advertised price for a new car at a dealership.

Deceptive advertising can also promote sweepstakes, contests, guarantees, and business opportunities.

Imposter Scams

Imposter scams involve impersonating someone else, such as a trusted person, authority, company representative, or government official.

Phishing emails, fake QR codes, phone calls, texts, or other fraudulent methods often target unsuspecting victims.

These scammers will often want money in the form of gift cards, credit cards, wire transfers, or cryptocurrency.

Defective Products

A faulty, defective, or dangerous product can cause personal injuries or property damage.

The three main product defects are manufacturing defects, design defects, and warning defects.

Data Breaches

The rising prevalence of online transactions has made data breaches a significant concern.

When hackers gain unauthorized access to sensitive personal information, they leave victims vulnerable to exploitation.

For example, a breach of a major retailer’s database can compromise customers’ credit card information or expose users’ private data.

Identity Theft

By calling, sending emails, or texting from apparently legitimate sources, scammers trick people into providing passwords, Social Security numbers, or private financial details. Criminals use this information to assume the victim’s identity for fraudulent purposes.

In medical identity theft, criminals steal an individual’s personal information to obtain medical services, prescriptions, or insurance coverage in the victim’s name without their knowledge.

About our firm

How a Nationwide Consumer Protection Lawyer Can Help You

A skilled nationwide consumer protection lawyer can help you with the daunting task of navigating the complexities of consumer protection laws and fighting against unfair business practices. With their extensive knowledge and experience in this specialized field, our consumer protection lawyers can provide invaluable assistance and support.

Here’s how our nationwide consumer protection lawyers can help you starting today:


Access Your Case.

During your initial free consultation with a nationwide consumer protection lawyer from Kazerouni Law Group, we will thoroughly evaluate your situation and then carefully examine your claim or complaint. Our lawyers will assess the strength of your case, identify any potential violations of consumer protection laws, and discuss potential legal strategies we can pursue for you.

Our consumer protection lawyers will provide you with comprehensive legal advice tailored to your circumstances. They will explain your consumer rights and the applicable laws, regulations, and legal options available to you. Their guidance will empower you to make informed decisions throughout the legal process.

Engage with Regulatory Agencies.

If necessary, your nationwide consumer protection attorney will advocate for you in legal proceedings. They will represent you in negotiations, mediations, arbitrations, or court litigation, depending on the nature of your case. We aim to achieve the best possible outcome for you, whether through a settlement, a favorable judgment, or other means of seeking compensation.

Handle Class Action Lawsuits.

In situations where the same deceptive practice or defective product affects numerous individuals, a nationwide consumer protection lawyer can lead or join a class action lawsuit. In a consumer class action lawsuit, we fight for a group of consumers, consolidating their claims to maximize their chances of success. This approach allows individuals to collectively seek justice, increase their leverage against powerful entities, and recover compensation for their damages.

Your assigned consumer protection lawyer will assist you in dealing with regulatory agencies, such as the Bureau of Consumer Protection, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), or the Office of the Attorney General. Your lawyer will navigate the complex procedures involved in filing complaints, conducting investigations, or seeking enforcement actions against businesses engaged in deceptive or unfair practices. Our knowledge of the regulatory landscape can significantly strengthen your position and ensure that the authorities hear and address your concerns.

Pursue Compensation & Remedies.

A nationwide consumer protection lawyer can seek compensation and appropriate remedies for your damages. Your attorney will diligently pursue financial restitution, refunds, disgorgement of profits, or other forms of compensation, depending on your case. As advocates representing consumers, we hold the responsible parties accountable and provide you with the justice you need and deserve.