Can You Bring a Negligence Claim Under the FCRA?

November 6, 2023 | By California Consumer Protection Attorneys | Kazerouni Law Group, APC.
Can You Bring a Negligence Claim Under the FCRA?

Consumer credit information is a cornerstone for decisions ranging from loan approvals to employment considerations. 

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), a federal law enacted in 1970, responds to the need for accuracy, fairness, and privacy in the collection and use of this sensitive information. 

This comprehensive federal law sets the guidelines for how consumer reporting agencies should manage credit information, intending to protect individuals from the ramifications of incorrect reporting and to establish clear rights regarding their financial data.

At the heart of the FCRA is the commitment to consumer rights, ensuring that individuals have the opportunity to review and correct their credit reports and safeguarding them against the misuse of their personal information. 

It outlines the permissible uses of credit reports, mandates that consumer reporting agencies uphold strict standards of accuracy, and provides a framework for the resolution of discrepancies.

The right to accuracy in credit reporting is a right designed to prevent a host of potential hardships that can arise from credit-related errors. 

These hardships can range from unjustified higher interest rates on loans to unwarranted denials of credit, job opportunities, or housing applications—consequences that can have a profound impact on an individual’s financial health and personal life.

If you have been adversely affected by negligence from a consumer credit reporting agency, contact an FCRA attorney.

Are FCRA Violations by Companies Common?

A common belief among consumers is that large, established companies are consistent in following the rules set forth by the Fair Credit Reporting Act

Experience and evidence suggest that this is not always the case. FCRA violations occur across the spectrum of businesses, including sizable and well-known entities.

The size of a company does not necessarily correlate with FCRA compliance. While large companies have the resources to maintain robust compliance programs, they also engage in a high volume of transactions and decisions based on consumer reports, which increases the potential for error. 

Contrary to popular belief, FCRA violations are not limited to small-time operators or companies with dubious reputations such as used car dealerships.  

FCRA negligence can include failing to provide accurate information to a business seeking a consumer credit report to reporting settled or discharged debts

What Does the FCRA Consider Negligence?

FCRA negligence can have lasting impacts on consumers' lives. Thus, the FCRA identifies negligence as a failure to exercise reasonable care in managing consumer credit information. 

To establish negligence, plaintiffs must show that a consumer reporting agency (CRA) or a user of credit information failed to adhere to the FCRA's standards in a way that harmed a consumer.

Negligence in Credit Reporting

Negligence in credit reporting can manifest in various forms, including but not limited to, inaccuracies in a credit report, mishandling of credit disputes, and the unlawful disclosure of credit information. 

The FCRA mandates that CRAs follow "reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy of the information" regarding the individual's credit report. When CRAs fall short of this duty, their actions are not just errors but potential acts of negligence.

The following are some examples of typical scenarios where negligence may occur. 

  • Mixing up individual files
  • Failing to update settled debts
  • Not investigating disputes thoroughly

The FCRA's role extends beyond merely dictating the responsibilities of CRAs—it fundamentally influences how sensitive credit information is handled across industries. 

By setting strict standards for accuracy and dispute resolution, the FCRA creates an environment where careful handling of credit data is not optional but a legal obligation.

Civil Liability for Negligent Violations of the FCRA

The FCRA explicitly allows for civil liability in cases where a consumer reporting agency or a user of information has been negligent in fulfilling their duties under the Act. 

This liability is a legal tool that consumers can use to seek redress when they have been harmed by such negligence.

Section 617: Civil Liability for Negligent Noncompliance

Under Section 617 of the FCRA (15 U.S.C. § 1681o), consumers may sue and recover actual damages from a CRA or a user of information that negligently violated the Act. 

Section 617 does not prescribe a minimum threshold for damages, which means the consumer can recover compensation for any harm attributed to the negligence.

What’s the Difference Between Willful and Negligent Violations?

Negligent Violations

While both willful violations and negligent violations of the FCRA can result in consumer harm, the intent and severity of the actions differ significantly, which in turn affects the legal consequences and potential damages awarded. 

Willful FCRA Violations

Willful violations suggest a conscious disregard or willful ignorance of the FCRA's requirements, potentially leading to punitive damages

Negligent FCRA Violations

Negligent violations imply a failure to take reasonable care that might not involve deliberate misconduct.

The Scope of Damages and Reimbursement Including Attorney Fees

One of the most important aspects for consumers to understand about FCRA negligence claims is the scope of potential damages. 

This includes not only the monetary losses suffered due to errors on a credit report but also the legal costs incurred in pursuing a claim, such as attorney fees and court costs. 

The FCRA’s allowance for the recovery of attorney fees is particularly significant, as it enables consumers who might otherwise be unable to afford legal action to seek justice.

Section 610's Limitation on Liability and Its Exceptions

While the FCRA offers protections and avenues for recourse to consumers, it also considers the position of reporting agencies to an extent. 

Section 610 of the FCRA provides specific conditions under which a consumer reporting agency is shielded from liability, a nuance that is essential for both consumers and legal practitioners to grasp.

What Kind of Immunity is Provided by Section 610?

Section 610 (15 U.S.C. § 1681h) describes the boundary for the liability of consumer reporting agencies in certain contexts. 

This provision offers immunity for reporting certain types of information unless the consumer can prove the information was false and that the reporting entity acted with malice or willful intent to cause harm. 

This section is particularly important when considering negligence claims because it sets a higher bar for proving agency liability in cases involving defamation, libel, or invasion of privacy.

Privacy Protections Under the FCRA

Privacy is a chief concern for consumers when it comes to credit reporting, and the FCRA provides specific protections to maintain the confidentiality of consumer credit information. 

These protections require that a consumer credit report is shared lawfully and their financial privacy is upheld.

Who Can Legally Access Your Credit Report?

The FCRA stipulates that nobody can access a consumer's credit report except for certain "permissible purposes," which prevents the unauthorized use or exploitation of sensitive financial information. 

The act lists specific scenarios where entities, such as lenders, landlords, and employers, may access a consumer's credit report without their explicit consent, typically when there is a legitimate need in the context of a business transaction or credit evaluation.

In cases that require consent —such as employment background checks—the FCRA enforces the principle of express consent, meaning that companies must clearly inform the consumer and agree in writing to sharing the credit report. 

How Consumers Can Safeguard Their Rights Under the FCRA

Empowerment through education is the first step toward consumer protection. Consumers must know their rights to verify the accuracy of the information contained in their credit reports and to dispute any inaccuracies. 

Vigilance is key in the management of personal credit information. Regular monitoring, setting up alerts for new activity, and using available tools can help consumers keep a close eye on their credit status. 

A proactive approach serves as a critical defense against identity theft and credit fraud.

Navigating the complexities of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and pursuing a claim for negligence can require consumers to seek legal assistance.

An FCRA lawyer can make a significant difference in the outcome of FCRA disputes. An attorney with experience in FCRA litigation can provide insight into the viability of a claim, the potential for recovery, and the strategy for pursuing a case.

How an FCRA Lawyer Can Assist in Negligence Claims

When facing issues related to FCRA negligence, enlist the guidance of an experienced FCRA lawyer. 

Fair debt collection attorneys concentrate their practice on navigating the intricate landscape of consumer credit reporting laws and can offer invaluable support in various ways:

  1. Legal Knowledge. An FCRA lawyer possesses an in-depth understanding of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, its provisions, and relevant case law. They can provide knowledgeable advice tailored to your specific situation.
  2. Case Evaluation. FCRA attorneys can assess the merits of your negligence claim. They will thoroughly review your credit report, identify inaccuracies or violations, and determine if your case has legal grounds for pursuing compensation.
  3. Negotiations. FCRA lawyers can negotiate with consumer reporting agencies and data furnishers on your behalf to rectify inaccuracies or resolve disputes. This can lead to a quicker resolution without the need for litigation.
  4. Filing Lawsuits. In cases involving failed negotiations or severe negligence, an FCRA lawyer can initiate legal proceedings on your behalf. They will prepare and file the necessary legal documents, represent you in court, and advocate for your rights.
  5. Maximizing Compensation. FCRA lawyers understand the potential damages available under the FCRA, including actual damages, statutory damages, and attorney fees. They will work diligently to recover fair compensation for the harm caused by negligence.
  6. Ensuring Compliance. FCRA attorneys are well-versed in the complex regulations governing credit reporting agencies and data furnishers. They can hold these entities accountable for their actions, ensuring compliance with the FCRA's strict standards.
  7. Protecting Your Rights.  Your FCRA lawyer will act as a steadfast advocate, safeguarding your rights throughout the legal process. They will guide you on the best course of action and help you make informed decisions.
  8. Personalized Strategy. Every FCRA negligence case is unique. An FCRA attorney will tailor a legal strategy to your specific circumstances, ensuring a customized approach to achieving a favorable outcome.

Hire an FCRA lawyer when pursuing negligence claims under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Their legal knowledge, insight, and dedication to protecting your rights can make a significant difference in resolving issues related to inaccurate credit reporting and securing the compensation you deserve.

If you are a victim of FCRA negligence, don't hesitate to consult an FCRA attorney who can guide you through the process of seeking justice and holding responsible parties accountable for their actions.

Contact Kazerouni Law Group ∙ Free Case Evaluations ∙ No Upfront Fees

When it comes to seeking justice for FCRA negligence claims, you need a dedicated legal team on your side. 

At Kazerouni Law Group, we are committed to assisting individuals affected by inaccurate credit reporting or FCRA violations.

What sets us apart is our client-centric approach. We understand the financial and emotional toll that FCRA negligence can have on your life.

That's why we offer:

  • Free Case Evaluations. We believe in transparency and want to understand the specifics of your situation. Our free consultations provide you with an opportunity to discuss your case with our experienced attorneys, who will assess its merits and provide guidance on the best course of action.
  • No Upfront Fees. We work on a contingency basis, which means you do not pay anything unless and until we are successful in your case. We are dedicated to fighting for your rights without adding any financial burden during the process.

Our team at Kazerouni Law Group has a proven successful record of advocating for consumers' rights under the FCRA. 

We are passionate about helping individuals like you regain control over their credit reports and seek fair compensation for any harm caused by negligence.

Abbas Kazerounian, FCRA Attorney
Abbas Kazerounian, Esq., FCRA Violation Attorney

To take the first step towards resolving your FCRA negligence claim, we encourage you to reach out to us today. You can call us at 800-400-6808 for your free case evaluation. Alternatively, you can easily contact us online to speak with an attorney. 

Don't let FCRA violations or inaccuracies on your credit report continue to impact your financial well-being. Trust Consumer protection lawyers at Kazerouni Law Group to serve as your legal advocate, fighting for your rights and pursuing the justice you deserve.