Don’t Take the Bait: What Are Phishing Scams?

June 2, 2024 | By California Consumer Protection Attorneys | Kazerouni Law Group, APC.
Don’t Take the Bait: What Are Phishing Scams?

In today’s digital age, phishing scams have become an all-too-common occurrence. But what exactly are phishing scams, and how can you protect yourself from becoming a victim?

At its core, a phishing scam is a type of online fraud that involves tricking individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card numbers, or social security numbers. 

It’s a familiar story: you’re going about your day, checking your email or browsing the internet, when suddenly you receive an alarming message. It says your bank account is hacked or you owe money to the IRS. Your heart races as you click the link, worried and eager to resolve the problem. 

But wait – something doesn’t feel right. The website looks a bit off, and they’re asking for personal information that seems unnecessary. Suddenly, it dawns on you: you’ve fallen victim to a phishing scam. If you or someone you know has been affected by a phishing scam, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced consumer protection attorney in San Diego for guidance and support.

How Does a Phishing Scam Work?

Phishing Scam

The term phishing is a play on the word fishing, as the scammer essentially throws out bait (usually in the form of an email or website) and waits for unsuspecting victims to bite.

Phishing scams can take many forms, but they typically involve:

  • A sense of urgency: Phishing emails often try to create a false sense of urgency, pressuring you to act quickly before an offer expires or your account is suspended.
  • Impersonation: Scammers may impersonate legitimate companies, organizations, or individuals to gain your trust.
  • Suspicious links or attachments: Phishing emails often contain links to fake websites or attachments that install malware on your device.
  • Requests for personal information: The ultimate goal of a phishing scam is to obtain your sensitive information, so be wary of any unsolicited requests for personal data.

How to Spot a Phishing Scam

While phishing scams can be sophisticated and difficult to detect, there are some telltale signs that can help you spot a fraudulent email or website. 

The first thing to do is to check the sender’s email address. Scammers often use email addresses that closely resemble legitimate ones, but with slight variations (e.g., “” vs. “”). 

Another giveaway for scams is bad grammar and spelling. Legitimate companies typically have professional copy editors who write error-free communications. Phishing emails, on the other hand, often contain glaring mistakes. 

Phishing emails also often use generic salutations like “Dear valued customer” or “Hello sir/madam,” rather than addressing you by name.

If you suspect an email is a phishing attempt, a quick way to check is by hovering your mouse over the link in the email.

DO NOT click it. But by hovering your mouse over a link without clicking, you can see the actual URL, or website, it will take you to. If the URL looks suspicious or unrelated to the supposed sender, it’s likely a phishing attempt. 

Legitimate companies usually have short, simple, and easy-to-remember URLs. If a URL is unusually long, complex, or appears to be a random string of characters, it may constitute a phishing attempt.

Similarly, if a URL contains a string of numbers separated by periods (an IP address) instead of a readable domain name, it’s likely a scam. 

If an email or website asks for sensitive information, contact the supposed sender directly using a known, trusted phone number or email address, not the one provided in the suspicious message.

Remember, your bank or official government agencies will not contact you and ask you to provide them with your information. They already have it.

What to Do If You’ve Been Targeted by a Phishing Scam

If you suspect a phishing scam, remain calm. Avoid clicking any links, opening attachments, or providing personal information.

If you already clicked a link or provided information:

  • Change your passwords: Immediately change the passwords for any accounts that may have been compromised, using a strong, unique password for each account.
  • Contact your financial institutions: If you provided credit card numbers or banking information, contact your financial institutions to alert them of the potential fraud and discuss your options for protecting your accounts.
  • Run a malware scan: If you clicked a suspicious link or downloaded an attachment, run a full malware scan on your device to check for any malicious software.
  • Report the scam: You can report phishing attempts to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at, as well as to the Anti-Phishing Working Group at re************@ap**.org . This helps authorities track and combat these scams.

In some cases, falling victim to a phishing scam can result in significant financial losses or identity theft. If you’ve suffered damages due to a phishing scam, consult a consumer protection attorney to discuss your legal options.

An experienced consumer protection lawyer can help you assess your situation, determine whether you have a viable case, and guide you through the process of seeking legal recourse.

consumer protection lawyer

Some situations where a lawyer may help include:

  • Significant financial losses: If you lost a substantial amount of money due to a phishing scam, an attorney can explore options for recovering those funds.
  • Identity theft: If a phishing scam has led to your identity being stolen and used for fraudulent purposes, a lawyer can assist you in navigating the complex process of restoring your identity and repairing any damage to your credit.
  • Negligence by a company: In some cases, a phishing scam may be successful due to negligence by a company entrusted with your personal information. An attorney can determine whether you have a case against the company for failing to properly safeguard your data. 

Not all phishing scams will result in legal action, and you cannot recover all of your losses. However, a knowledgeable consumer protection attorney can explain your rights and help you make informed decisions about how to proceed. 

In a world where our lives increasingly intertwine with technology, phishing scams have become a pervasive threat to our personal and financial well-being. By understanding these scams, how they work, and what steps you can take to protect yourself, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to these insidious attacks.

Remember, if a message seems too good to be true or raises red flags, trust your instincts. Take the time to verify the legitimacy of any unsolicited requests for personal information, and never hesitate to seek help if a scammer targeted you.

Contact Kazerouni Law Group to Talk with a Consumer Protection Attorney

At Kazerounian Law Group, we understand the devastating impact that phishing scams can have on individuals and families. As a nationwide consumer protection law firm, we’re dedicated to helping victims of online fraud seek justice and reclaim their lives. 

If you or someone you know has been affected by a phishing scam, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experienced attorneys for guidance and support. Together, we can fight back against the scourge of phishing scams and create a safer, more secure online world for everyone. Contact us for your free case evaluation.