Can a Debt Collector Swear or Threaten Me?

February 7, 2024 | By California Consumer Protection Attorneys | Kazerouni Law Group, APC.
Can a Debt Collector Swear or Threaten Me?

Debt collection agencies can use some pretty heinous tactics to get people to pay their debt. Many will condone lying, swearing, and threatening to get what they want. 

They hope you aren’t aware of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the restrictions it puts on debt collection agencies. 

Debt collection agencies are not allowed to do certain things. You have the right to request they stop and can even take them to court if they continue the restricted behaviors. Speak with a debt collection defense attorney to protects your rights, explains legal implications, and represents your interests in agreements.

What Are Debt Collectors Restricted from Doing?

Debt collection agencies cannot use the following tactics to recoup debt from consumers:

Threats: They cannot threaten to sue you or have you arrested. Nor can they threaten to tell your family or employers of any debts. 

Cursing: Swearing, name-calling, and abusive language is prohibited. Agents may not use profane language, even as a joke.

Repetitive calling: Bill collectors cannot call repeatedly in one sitting to get you to answer. This tactic was more effective in the pre-cell phone era but is still annoying and disruptive today.

Calling outside hours: The only acceptable hour bill collectors can call is between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday and between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Sundays. They also aren’t allowed to call on official holidays. 

Discussing your debt: Debt collection agencies can discuss your debt with your spouse and attorney. They are not allowed to discuss your debt with anyone else. 

They can contact employers to verify employment or contact information, but they may not reveal any information about your debt. They are only allowed to make these calls once.

Sharing debt information: Debt collectors must keep your debt private. They cannot send you an open postcard revealing debt information because others may see it. They cannot print your debt details in magazines, newspapers, or other media. They can’t publish lists of people who haven’t paid debts. 

They cannot report false information: Collectors can’t lie to ruin your credit further. Stay on top of your credit report if you’re struggling with debt collectors.

They can’t lie about their identity: Debt collectors can’t tell you they are law enforcement or lawyers to collect debt. They must tell you their name and who they are calling on behalf of to collect the debt. 

They cannot lie about the status of your debt. They can’t say they are selling your debt to another agency when they aren’t or tell you they’ll add fees if you don’t do what they say.

They cannot keep contacting you after a written desist request: Consumers can ask debt collectors to stop calling, and they must comply. The debt collection agency can notify you through a lawyer. 

FCRA Compliance

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a pivotal piece of legislation safeguarding consumer credit rights in the United States. It regulates collecting, sharing, and utilizing consumer credit information, promoting accuracy, fairness, and privacy in credit reporting. Understanding these regulations is vital for ethical financial dealings and preserving consumer trust.

When dealing with harmful, erroneous credit report information, consulting a debt lawyer helps uphold your rights and safeguards potential compensation opportunities.

Consumer Rights Regarding Credit Reports: Consumers are legally entitled to receive one free credit report annually from each major credit reporting agency. Weekly reports, initially a pandemic response, are now permanent. 

Getting these reports helps consumers check and fix any mistakes, like old info or signs of identity theft. You can easily challenge these mistakes to make sure your credit reports show your real history. The process is simple, with different ways to do it so that anyone can use it.

Business Responsibilities in Reporting and Using Credit Information: Credit reporting agencies must ensure accuracy and privacy in reported credit data. Businesses relying on credit reports for decisions must operate transparently and obtain explicit consent. 

When business decisions adversely affect individuals based on their credit reports, businesses must provide adverse action notices explaining the decision, the role of the credit report, and individuals’ dispute rights. These responsibilities balance using credit data with respecting individuals’ rights and privacy.

Legal Consequences for Violating FCRA Guidelines: Non-compliance with FCRA guidelines can lead to significant legal repercussions, including lawsuits, fines, and potential criminal charges. 

Statutory damages may range from $100 to $1,000 per violation, and businesses may face reputational damage and consumer trust erosion. Regulatory bodies like the FTC and CFPB vigorously enforce FCRA compliance.

Mandatory Dispute Resolution Process: The FCRA mandates a dispute resolution process that credit reporting agencies must follow, ensuring data integrity and consumer rights protection. 

The growing use of chatbots in dispute resolution presents concerns, as technical limitations may hinder accurate resolution and jeopardize data security. Debt companies must prioritize access to human representatives.

Best Practices for Ongoing Business Compliance: Businesses should train employees, monitor credit reporting procedures, and keep an FCRA Compliance Manual documenting adherence to standards to maintain FCRA compliance. The absence of a manual can increase liability in cases of non-compliance.

The FCRA helps preserve consumer credit rights, governs credit information, and ensures ethical financial practices. 

What Can I Do if a Debt Collector Breaks the Rules?

You can protect yourself from debt collectors who use foul language or threats:

  • Stay calm and assertive: It’s essential to remain composed and avoid a heated argument. Stay polite and respectful.
  • Know your rights: Familiarize yourself with your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) in the United States. 
  • Document everything: Keep records of all interactions with the debt collector, including dates, times, names of the individuals involved, and the content of the conversation. It can serve as evidence if you need to take legal action.
  • Request written communication: Ask the debt collector to communicate with you in writing only. It helps document all interactions and prevents further verbal harassment.
  • Verify the debt: Ask the debt collector to provide validation of the debt, including details about the original creditor, the amount owed, and any supporting documentation. 
  • Dispute the debt: If you believe the debt is invalid or there are errors in the debt collection process, dispute it in writing with the debt collector. 
  • Contact the consumer protection agency: Report the abusive behavior to your local consumer protection agency and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). They can investigate and act against debt collectors who violate the law.
  • Consult an attorney: If the harassment continues or escalates, consider consulting an attorney in consumer law. They can provide legal advice and represent you if necessary.
  • Block calls and maintain records: Use call-blocking features on your phone to prevent unwanted calls from debt collectors. 
  • Seek mediation or dispute resolution: Some states or organizations offer mediation or dispute resolution services to help you and the debt collector reach a fair resolution without legal action. A debt relief attorney can show you your options.

Debt collectors have rules and regulations they must follow or face consequences. Understanding your rights and taking appropriate action can protect you from abusive debt collection practices.

What Consequences Can Harassing Debt Collectors Face?

Angry householder demanding young woman with teenage son to pay arrears for apartment

Debt collectors who engage in abusive or illegal practices can face legal and regulatory consequences, depending on the severity of the violations and the laws in place in your jurisdiction. 

Here are some potential consequences that offending debt collectors may face:

  • Fines and penalties: Debt collectors who violate laws such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) in the United States may be subject to fines and penalties imposed by government agencies, such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or state attorney general offices.
  • Lawsuits: Consumers who have been harassed or mistreated by debt collectors can sue them for violating debt collection laws. If a court favors the consumer, the debt collector may be required to pay damages, including compensation for emotional distress and legal fees.
  • License revocation or suspension: Debt collection agencies and individual debt collectors may be subject to disciplinary action, including license revocation or suspension, preventing them from working in the industry.
  • Regulatory investigations: Government agencies may investigate the activities of offending debt collectors, which may lead to enforcement actions, fines, or other penalties.
  • Reputation damage: Negative publicity and damage to the reputation of the debt collection agency can result from legal actions, consumer complaints, or media coverage of abusive practices. 
  • Compliance monitoring: Debt collectors may be required to implement compliance monitoring and training programs to ensure they adhere to debt collection laws and regulations. Failure to comply can lead to further legal consequences.
  • Criminal charges: In extreme cases of fraud or criminal behavior, debt collectors may face criminal charges, which can result in fines, imprisonment, or other criminal penalties.

If you believe you have been a victim of abusive debt collection practices, consult with an attorney who understands consumer protection and debt collection issues. 

They can help you understand your rights and seek remedies for any harm you have suffered. 

Do I Need a Debt Lawyer?

Consumers should contact a debt lawyer when they need legal assistance or representation related to debt and debt collection issues, such as:

  • When facing harassment by debt collectors: If you receive abusive or harassing tactics, such as threats, constant phone calls, or offensive language, a debt lawyer can help you understand your rights and take legal action to stop the harassment.
  • When disputing a debt: If you believe that a debt is not valid, is inaccurate, or you have already paid it but are still getting calls, a debt lawyer can assist you in disputing the debt with the collector and taking legal action to resolve the matter.
  • When dealing with unfair or illegal debt collection practices, collectors must follow specific rules and regulations under laws like the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) in the United States. If you suspect a debt collector has violated these laws, a debt lawyer can help you navigate the legal process and seek remedies, including potential damages.
  • When facing a lawsuit: If a debt collector has initiated a lawsuit against you to collect a debt, it’s crucial to seek legal representation to protect your rights and interests. A debt lawyer can help you respond to the lawsuit, explore potential defenses, and negotiate a settlement or representation in court.
  • When exploring debt relief options: If you are overwhelmed by debt and considering bankruptcy or other relief options, a debt lawyer can guide the best approach for your specific situation and help you navigate the legal requirements of these processes.
  • When dealing with creditor negotiations: If you are negotiating with creditors or debt collectors to settle or modify your debt, a debt lawyer can represent your interests, help you understand the legal implications of any agreements, and ensure your rights are protected.
  • When facing potential wage garnishment or asset seizure: If your wages are garnished, or your assets are at risk due to a debt-related judgment, a debt lawyer can assist in protecting your assets, exploring exemptions, and potentially challenging the garnishment or judgment.
  • When seeking relief from collection lawsuits: Sometimes, a debt lawyer can help negotiate settlements or payment arrangements with debt collectors or creditors, allowing you to resolve your debt issues without going through a full legal process.
  • When seeking legal advice and strategy: If you’re unsure about how to handle your debt situation or need assistance with complex financial matters related to debt, consulting with a debt lawyer can provide valuable legal advice and strategic guidance.

A debt lawyer can provide legal expertise and representation to help you navigate the complexities of debt collection and protect your rights.

Consumer Protection Attorney in California

Abbas Kazerounian, Consumer Protection Lawyer
Abbas Kazerounian, Esq., Debt Collection Defense Attorney in California

The sooner you contact us, the quicker we can defend your rights. You stand for your rights when seeking counsel from seasoned consumer protection lawyers. Join forces with us to demystify the complexities of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Call (800) 400-6808 to begin and discover how we can help you today.