Have You Purchased "Healthy" Pink Himalayan Salt? You May Be Eligible For Compensation
The last 20 years have seen an explosion in the health food industry, which is now projected to increase to $811 Billion dollars by 2021. While most of the products sold under the guise of being "healthy" are indeed good for you, the health food industry has attracted its fair share of scammers and unscrupulous marketers. By using overblown claims not backed by science, these bad actors obtain a premium for their product by lying about its health benefits. If you purchased one of these products based on misleading advertising, you could be eligible for financial compensation.
A common example of this kind of deception are food manufacturers claiming their food can offer special health benefits, like many purveyors of "Himalayan Sea Salt"Brands include:Himalayan Secrets Pink Himalayan SaltsSaltworks Ancient Ocean Himalayan SaltViva Doria Himalayan SaltAs a Californian, you have a right to sue any supplement or food producer that has deceived you with false claims, and receive compensation for your loss. Kazerouni Law Group is one of the leading consumer law firms in California, and has the expertise needed to hold these illegal marketers responsible.If we were to win a judgment at trial, a judge could award you compensation in a class action lawsuit against the unscrupulous marketers who sold you the supplement. Reserve your free consultation today by filling out our confidential claim form to the right.