The California Consumers Legal Remedies Act: Empowering Consumers and Combating Unfair Practices

March 24, 2023 | By California Consumer Protection Attorneys | Kazerouni Law Group, APC.
The California Consumers Legal Remedies Act: Empowering Consumers and Combating Unfair Practices


The California Consumers Legal Remedies Act (CLRA), codified in California Civil Code §§1750-1784, is a powerful piece of legislation that aims to protect consumers from deceptive business practices and promote fair competition. The CLRA provides consumers with a set of legal remedies to seek redress for damages caused by dishonest businesses, while also acting as a deterrent against unethical practices. This blog post will explore the key features of the CLRA, the rights it grants to consumers, and the legal remedies available under the Act.

Key Features of the CLRA

Prohibited Practices: The CLRA specifically lists 23 prohibited practices that are considered unlawful, including false advertising, misrepresentation, and deceptive sales tactics. Examples of these practices include:

Misrepresenting the source, sponsorship, or certification of goods or services.
Falsely claiming that goods or services have certain characteristics, benefits, or uses.
Misrepresenting the quality, standard, or grade of goods or services.
Advertising goods or services with the intent not to sell them as advertised.

Scope: The CLRA applies to the sale or lease of goods and services to consumers, covering a wide range of transactions, including retail sales, online purchases, and service contracts.

Consumer Rights: The CLRA grants consumers specific rights, such as the right to sue for damages, seek injunctive relief, and request attorney's fees and costs.

Legal Remedies Under the CLRA

Consumers who have been harmed by prohibited practices under the CLRA have access to various legal remedies, including:

Actual Damages: Consumers can recover any actual damages they have incurred as a result of the unlawful business practices.

Injunctive Relief: A court can issue an injunction to stop the offending business from continuing its deceptive practices, thereby preventing further harm to consumers.

Restitution: Consumers may be entitled to restitution, which requires the business to return any money or property gained through its unlawful practices.

Punitive Damages: In cases where the business's conduct is found to be particularly malicious, oppressive, or fraudulent, a court may award punitive damages to punish the wrongdoer and deter others from engaging in similar behavior.

Attorney's Fees and Costs: Under the CLRA, successful plaintiffs can recover reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, making it more feasible for consumers to pursue legal action.

Class Actions: The CLRA permits consumers to bring class action lawsuits, allowing a group of similarly affected individuals to pool their resources and seek collective redress against a business engaged in deceptive practices.


The California Consumers Legal Remedies Act is a powerful tool that empowers consumers to fight against deceptive business practices and seek justice. By granting consumers specific rights and remedies, the CLRA encourages businesses to operate ethically and fairly, fostering a more trustworthy marketplace. If you believe you have been a victim of unfair business practices, it's crucial to consult with an experienced consumer protection attorney to explore your options under the CLRA and seek the compensation you deserve.